Fighting world hunger

30 December 2010


Never underestimate the power of an extremely pissed off woman.

29 December 2010

5 Fingers!

God gave me 5 fingers for a reason.
My pinky is for my best friends and our promises that will never be broken, my ring finger is for him and for proof that we'll be together forever, my middle finger is for that girl that pushed me too far and to show her how I feel, my pointer finger is to silence them, to savor the moment, and my thumb is for everyone, to let them know that I'm going to be okay, no matter what.

27 December 2010


مرا به خانه‌ام ببر

25 December 2010

Native Land

I was not born for one corner, the whole world is my native land.

22 December 2010


There were things I wanted to tell him. But I knew it would hurt him, so I buried them, and let them hurt me.

21 December 2010

20 December 2010

19 December 2010


You Can't Airbrush Personality!

17 December 2010

Keep Walking...

~If they don't chase you when you walk away, keep walking~

16 December 2010

Moment of Truth!

There is much more to life than waiting for the right person to come along. Definitely more to it than calling other women disgraceful names! How do you expect to be respected by others and more specifically by men when you yourselves don’t have respect for your own sex? I think women should stop blaming men and vice-versa. Fix yourselves first then complain!

So what if he didn’t call cause he was “too busy”? Do not wait for anyone; don’t put your life on hold for someone who’s only around when they feels like it! Enjoy the company of yourself, your friends and family and when the time is right, s/he will come and if they doesn’t WHO CARES cause YOU can survive on YOUR OWN and live happily ever after!


15 December 2010


Love is a cycle:
When you love, you get hurt.
When you get hurt, you hate.
When you hate, you try to forget.
When you try to forget, you start missing.
And when you start missing...
You eventually fall in love again!

14 December 2010


Dear Heart,
Why Him?

12 December 2010

Afraid of...

No one is afraid of heights, they are afraid of the fall.
No one is afraid to play, they are afraid to lose.
No one is afraid of the dark, they are afraid of what's in it.
No one is afraid of "I love you," they are afraid of the response.

11 December 2010

07 December 2010

An Immigrant?

Your carpet is Persian. Your car is Japanese. Your pizza is Italian. Your beer is German. Your wine is Spanish. Your vodka is Russian. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your tea is Chinese. Your watch is Swiss. Your fashion is French. Your shirt is Indian. Your shoes are Thai. Your radio is Korean. AND YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR NEIGHBOUR BEING AN IMMIGRANT?

04 December 2010


در نا امیدی بسی‌ امید است

02 December 2010

30 November 2010

I Miss These Things...

-Waking up at 8:00 and running outside to play with my friends.
-Getting dirty and coming home and taking a bubble bath.
-When swearing was such a bad thing.
-When there wasn't such a thing as a rumor.
...-When getting in trouble at school was only because you wouldn't share your crayons, when your only number was your house number.
-When the only music we listened to was on Disney.
-When we did whatever we wanted without being judged.
-When we didn't text all day.
-When blackberry & apple were just fruits.

29 November 2010

I Want to Be...

"I want to be the girl that changed everything. The girl that made a difference. The girl that gave you a story to tell."

28 November 2010

25 November 2010

Isn't it Funny?

Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different?

24 November 2010

Where Do I Belong?

For those of us who have spent some portion of our life inside and some outside of our motherlands we often wonder and ask ourselves where is home for me? We eagerly wait for a break to go back to our homeland and when we are there it's amazing,it's wonderful, its fun, having family, friends and our loved ones around and returning to the streets where u grew up, a place where u believe the smell of the rain is not the same as anywhere else, and where u realize that no, the blue of the sky is not the same everywhere &...
But within our heart we always feel something lacking, that our motherland is missing something but we just can't quite figure out what it is! In our heads we tend to compare our two "homes" and as there are positives sides and negative sides to everything, at times we just wish we could take the good parts out of both and create our own home... I feel as though I no longer fully belong here nor there. For those who know me, know that I love Iran PASSIONATELY, but today it hit me, one day if I were to leave Canada I'd miss it, despite the fact that I'm always complaining, I will actually miss it... "Home" a word that confuses me and makes me feel lost...Where do I belong?!

23 November 2010

22 November 2010

A Kid's Descripition of Love

I asked a kid "what is love?"
The kid answered, "love is when a puppy licks your face."
I laughed...Then he added, "even after you left him alone all day."

21 November 2010

20 November 2010

His Loss

Don’t worry, he’ll miss you. You’re the best he could get, and he blew it. Don’t let him make you think for one second that this was your fault. It’s not. He screwed up, and you did absolutely nothing wrong. You gave him your heart, and you trusted him to keep it and protect it, but he couldn’t. And honestly, he’s not mature enough. He’s not smart enough. If he was smart, he would have cared for you with every fiber of his being and been with you ever spare second he could. But he didn’t, and now he’s gone. But don’t cry. Don’t call him telling him you miss him. Don’t IM him, don’t message him, don’t comment him, don’t talk to him in the hallways!

18 November 2010

Meaning of Love

"I love you" has lost it's true meaning throughout the years. So rather than believing it when you hear it, believe it when you feel it.

17 November 2010

I want to LIVE!

This North American life style is not for me! I want to live somewhere were I can actually LIVE! I don't want my life to be defined in 8-5 job shifts, microwave foods, and an hour or two spent with my loved ones. I rather get paid less but live somewhere that has culture, where you can enjoy the city and all that it has to offer. Canada has given me an educational opportunity that I may not have been given anywhere else and I am forever thankful for that BUT I can't take here any more! I get on the subway in the morning, people are too tired and everyone is capable and might even be sleeping behind their newspapers and books, in the afternoon people are too tired that they just want to get home! If you smile you're weird!
So my dearest studies, please cooperate with me and allow me to be done with you ASAP so I can move. As my brother said yesterday, how can you call a place where even the sun doesn't shine for 5 months HOME?!

14 November 2010

10 November 2010

09 November 2010

07 November 2010

Lift Up!

"Surround yourself with people who are only going to lift you higher."

04 November 2010


There is "lie" in believe.
"Over" in lover.
"End" in friend.
"Us" in trust.
"Ex" in next, and
"If" in life.

01 November 2010

30 October 2010

We Think Too Much & Feel Too Little!

I'm sorry but I don't want to be an Emperor - that's not my business - I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible: Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another, human beings are like that.

We want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful. But we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in: machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.

The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me I say "Do not despair".

The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people, will return to the people and so long as men die liberty will never perish.

Soldiers! Don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you - who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men.

You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don't hate - only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural. Soldiers - don't fight for slavery, fight for liberty.

In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written: "the kingdom of God is within man ". Not one man, nor a group of men - but in all men - in you. You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy let us use that power - let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security.

By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie. They do not fulfil their promise, they never will. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfil that promise. Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness.

Soldiers - in the name of democracy, let us all unite!

28 October 2010



23 October 2010

بچه که بودیم

بچه که بودیم چه دل های بزرگی داشتیم

اکنون که بزرگیم چه دلتنگیم

کاش دلهامون به بزرگی بچگی بود

کاش همان کودکی بودیم که حرفهایش

را از نگاهش می توان خواند

کاش برای حرف زدن

نیازی به صحبت کردن نداشتیم

کاش برای حرف زدن فقط نگاه کافی بود

کاش قلبها در چهره بود

اما اکنون اگر فریاد هم بزنیم کسی نمی فهمد

و دل خوش کرده ایم که سکوت کرده ایم

دنیا را ببین...

بچه بودیم از آسمان باران می آمد

بزرگ شده ایم از چشمهایمان می آید!

بچه بودیم همه چشمای خیسمون رو میدیدن

بزرگ شدیم هیچکی نمیبینه

بچه بودیم تو جمع گریه می کردیم

بزرگ شدیم تو خلوت

بچه بودیم راحت دلمون نمی شکست

بزرگ شدیم خیلی آسون دلمون می شکنه

بچه بودیم همه رو ۱۰ تا دوست داشتیم

بزرگ که شدیم بعضی ها رو هیچی

بعضی هارو کم و بعضی ها رو بی نهایت دوست داریم

بچه که بودیم قضاوت نمی کردیم و همه یکسان بودن

بزرگ که شدیم قضاوتهای درست و غلط باعث شد که

اندازه دوست داشتنمون تغییر کنه

کاش هنوزم همه رو به اندازه همون بچگی ۱۰ تا دوست داشتیم

بچه که بودیم اگه با کسی دعوا میکردیم ۱ ساعت بعد از یادمون میرفت

بزرگ که شدیم گاهی دعواهامون سالها تو یادمون مونده و آشتی نمی کنیم

بچه که بودیم گاهی با یه تیکه نخ سرگرم می شدیم

بزرگ که شدیم حتی ۱۰۰ تا کلاف نخم سرگرممون نمیکنه

بچه که بودیم بزرگترین آرزومون داشتن کوچکترین چیز بود

بزرگ که شدیم کوچکترین آرزومون داشتن بزرگترین چیزه

بچه که بودیم آرزومون بزرگ شدن بود

بزرگ که شدیم حسرت برگشتن به بچگی رو داریم

بچه که بودیم تو بازیهامون همش ادای بزرگ ترها رو در می آوردیم

بزرگ که شدیم همش تو خیالمون بر میگردیم به بچگی

بچه بودیم درد دل ها را به هزار ناله می گفتیم همه می فهمیدند

بزرگ شده ایم درد دل را به صد زبان به کسی می گوییم...

هیچ کس نمی فهمد چه بودیم دوستیامون تا نداشت

بزرگ که شدیم همه دوستیامون تا داره

بچه که بودیــم بچه بودیــم

بزرگ که شدیــم بزرگ که نشدیم هیــچ؛ دیگه همــون بــچه هم نیســتیم

21 October 2010

18 October 2010

Pointless Talking!

If you're a good friend, smart, come from a good family & ... You don't need to keep mentioning it. Because if you really hold all these attributes, instead of wasting your time talking about it, over the years, through your actions, you would have proved it. Bottom line, if you are or have a certain characteristic, people know, but if you have to keep mentioning it, then your proving you're none of the things you say you are & don't degrade others to bring yourself up!

17 October 2010

In Love...

“You Know You're in Love When You Can't Fall Asleep Because Reality Is Finally Better than Your Dreams.” :)

16 October 2010

World Food Day 2010

A cause close and dear to my heart. Today is World Food Day...According to WFP website, there are 925 million undernourished people in the world, more than the population of USA, Canada, and the European Union combined. Every 6 seconds a child dies from hunger. By the time you finish reading this 5 children have died. So please next time you want to waste food, think twice and reconsider your action. Click on the link below to see how you can help to put an end to these statistics. Lets turn hunger into hope for these innocent people. In a world that there is enough food for all of us these statistics should not exist. Please take action.

Happy World Food Day

10 ways you can fight hunger on world food day:

15 October 2010

11 October 2010

Evil Eye!

The Evil Eye has been around since the beginning of time. It simply means sending someone a thought that seems intrusive or invasive or has the power to hurt him or her. The bad fortune that results is considered to have been caused by envy. The evil eye is not necessarily considered to be intentional or associated with witchcraft or sorcery. Oddly enough, this thought form could actually be complimentary in nature. The origins of the Evil Eye are Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean. The concept was introduced into the Americas, South Pacific Islands, Asia, Africa and Australia by European explorers.

Sending someone the evil eye comes from the concept that we all have a Third Eye, located in the center of our forehead. Blinding, fogging or obscuring the third eye is often the intent of the energy's sender. Most of us have experienced the weird power of the phenomenon. All it takes is a gaze that seems to be unfriendly, indifferent or blank and seems to a couple of seconds too long. We think about it for a few minutes afterwards or perhaps an image of the person staring at us preoccupies our thoughts occasionally for the rest of the day. Perhaps that is why the British and Scottish term for the "evil eye" is "overlooking." It implies that a gaze has remained too long upon the coveted object, person or animal.

The evil eye is also known as the envious or invidious eye. In Italian it is called the malocchio and in Spanish the malojo (loosely translated as the bad eye) The evil eye is known as ayin horeh in Hebrew; ayin harsha in Arabic, droch shuil in Scotland, mauvais oeil in France, bösen Blick in Germany, and was known as oculus malus among the classical Romans.

The original belief is that any person can harm your children, livestock, fruit trees or any other evidence of prosperity just by looking at the spoils of all your good will and hard work with envy. Ironically, the curse of the evil eye is thought to be provoked by inappropriate displays of spiritual pride or excessive beauty. People suffer from personal misfortune simply because they are subjected to "overlooking" and are envied by others.

10 October 2010

Perfect 10

One wish: HEALTH!

06 October 2010

Life is What You Make it

"This life is what you make it. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends- they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything- they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And babe, I hate to say it, most of them- actually pretty much all of them- are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about."

04 October 2010

You Can't Please EVERYONE. Ever!

You eat, you're fat. You don't eat, you're a freak.
You drink, you're an alcoholic. You don't drink, you're a pussy.
You read, you're a nerd. You don't read, you're stupid.
You tell a secret, you're an attention seeker. You don't tell a secret, you're still attention seeking.
You let someone in, you're easy. You don't let someone in, you're too uptight.
You smoke, you think you're cool. You don't smoke, you're a loser.
You've had sex, you're a slut. You haven't had sex, you're a frigid little bitch. You wear make up, you're a slag. You don't wear make up, you're ugly.
You can't please EVERYONE. Ever!

03 October 2010

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten!

All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school.

These are the things I learned:
Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.
Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.
And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.
Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and equality and sane living.

Take any one of those items and extrapolate it into sophisticated adult terms and apply it to your family life or your work or government or your world and it holds true and clear and firm. Think what a better world it would be if we all - the whole world - had cookies and milk at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and then lay down with our blankies for a nap. Or if all governments had as a basic policy to always put things back where they found them and to clean up their own mess.

And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.


29 September 2010