Fighting world hunger

30 December 2010


Never underestimate the power of an extremely pissed off woman.

29 December 2010

5 Fingers!

God gave me 5 fingers for a reason.
My pinky is for my best friends and our promises that will never be broken, my ring finger is for him and for proof that we'll be together forever, my middle finger is for that girl that pushed me too far and to show her how I feel, my pointer finger is to silence them, to savor the moment, and my thumb is for everyone, to let them know that I'm going to be okay, no matter what.

27 December 2010


مرا به خانه‌ام ببر

25 December 2010

Native Land

I was not born for one corner, the whole world is my native land.

22 December 2010


There were things I wanted to tell him. But I knew it would hurt him, so I buried them, and let them hurt me.

21 December 2010

20 December 2010

19 December 2010


You Can't Airbrush Personality!

17 December 2010

Keep Walking...

~If they don't chase you when you walk away, keep walking~

16 December 2010

Moment of Truth!

There is much more to life than waiting for the right person to come along. Definitely more to it than calling other women disgraceful names! How do you expect to be respected by others and more specifically by men when you yourselves don’t have respect for your own sex? I think women should stop blaming men and vice-versa. Fix yourselves first then complain!

So what if he didn’t call cause he was “too busy”? Do not wait for anyone; don’t put your life on hold for someone who’s only around when they feels like it! Enjoy the company of yourself, your friends and family and when the time is right, s/he will come and if they doesn’t WHO CARES cause YOU can survive on YOUR OWN and live happily ever after!


15 December 2010


Love is a cycle:
When you love, you get hurt.
When you get hurt, you hate.
When you hate, you try to forget.
When you try to forget, you start missing.
And when you start missing...
You eventually fall in love again!

14 December 2010


Dear Heart,
Why Him?

12 December 2010

Afraid of...

No one is afraid of heights, they are afraid of the fall.
No one is afraid to play, they are afraid to lose.
No one is afraid of the dark, they are afraid of what's in it.
No one is afraid of "I love you," they are afraid of the response.

11 December 2010

07 December 2010

An Immigrant?

Your carpet is Persian. Your car is Japanese. Your pizza is Italian. Your beer is German. Your wine is Spanish. Your vodka is Russian. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your tea is Chinese. Your watch is Swiss. Your fashion is French. Your shirt is Indian. Your shoes are Thai. Your radio is Korean. AND YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR NEIGHBOUR BEING AN IMMIGRANT?

04 December 2010


در نا امیدی بسی‌ امید است

02 December 2010